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Niall McDonough to lead JPI Oceans in second term as Chair

The representatives of the JPI Oceans AISBL member countries have unanimously voted for an extension of the term of the previous Chair, Niall McDonough of the Marine Institute in Ireland.

Niall McDonough to lead JPI Oceans in second term as Chair

  • 22 November 2023

The representatives of the JPI Oceans AISBL member countries have unanimously voted for an extension of the term of the previous Chair, Niall McDonough of the Marine Institute in Ireland. 

With over 25 years of experience in marine research and policy, foresight, innovation, strategic planning, research funding and programming, Niall McDonough brings onboard JPI Oceans a detailed knowledge of the marine research and innovation landscape. He is well-known as a strong communicator with a broad understanding of national, European and global challenges in relation to the blue economy, and the sustainable use and protection of ocean, seas and coasts.

Responding to his re-election, Niall McDonough said: "I have served for three years as Chair and I am keen to continue in this role to help guide JPI Oceans through a challenging period in relation to competing initiatives in the European landscape, but also to benefit from the substantial opportunities that are open to JPI Oceans as a stable and well organised platform for cooperation in ocean research in Europe." 

Elected for the first time in 2020 as Chair of JPI Oceans, Niall has a vast track record when it comes to leadership, change management, communication, coordinating and chairing high-level marine and maritime meetings, events and conferences. Before his engagement as part of the JPI Oceans Management Board and Internal Advisory Board, Niall was an elected member of the JPI Oceans Strategic Advisory Board. 

As most recent leadership roles, Niall is currently Director of Policy, Innovation and Research Services at Marine Institute Ireland, Chair of the Irish Marine Research Funders’ Forum and national lead on the development of Ireland’s next marine research and innovation strategy, Ocean Knowledge 2030 (due before end of 2023). He is also a Member of the Irish Government’s Impact 2030 Implementation Forum and Horizon Europe High-Level Group (convened by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science). 

JPI Oceans, including the Board members and Secretariat, is looking forward to the continued fruitful collaboration under Niall’s positive spirit and inspirational leadership.