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Open call: Knowledge Hub on food and nutrition security

The JPI HDHL with JPI OCEANS and FACCE-JPI partners are pleased to announce the launch of the ERA –HDHL 3rd Joint Funding Action ”Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security".


The JPI HDHL with JPI OCEANS and FACCE-JPI partners are pleased to announce the launch of the ERA –HDHL 3rd Joint Funding Action ”Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security".




  • Pre-announced
  • Launched
  • Open for submission of full proposals
  • Evaluation full proposals
  • Project selection
  • Concluded



Jan 2019 - Apr 2019

Type of action

Knowledge Hub

Lead country

External partners



Knowledge Hub on food and nutrition security

This new joint initiative of JPI HDHL (JPI A healthy diet for a healthy life), JPI Oceans and FACCE-JPI (JPI Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change) aims to establish a Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security and to provide the unique possibility to connect researchers with other existing initiatives and relevant stakeholders in the Food and Nutrition Security research area. The Knowledge Hub (KH) is implemented under the umbrella of ERA-HDHL, the JPI HDHL 1st ERA-Net Cofund.

The overall aim of the Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security is to foster transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration and networking in order to accelerate, further characterize and to manage the impact of climate change on nutritional make-up of food, and to propose adaptive strategies/ measures to ensure food and nutrition security. 

For this, various funding agencies from 9 countries will bring together research groups from different disciplines to form an international consortium that will design and implement the Knowledge Hub.

Research and networking activities to foster multidisciplinary research, transnational collaboration and reduce fragmentation in the research field are the primary focus of the KH.

The networking activities should contribute to the current challenges in the area of Food and Nutrition Security research, and ensure that existing research activities in this area are coordinated. Examples of networking activities could include:

  • Bringing together, for example, clinicians; crop, farmed animal, aquaculture, fisheries, food and nutrition scientists; biological scientists, (bio) informatic experts, data sharing experts, and industry to enhance dialogue between different disciplines.
  • Case studies for data sharing.
  • Development of SOPs for collection and handling of samples, data collection and processing as well as basic analysis and data formatting.
  • New multidisciplinary research to address aims of the call
  • Interested researchers should express their interest in participating in the KH applying online using the Electronic Submission System of the JPI HDHL at the following link.

The deadline for submission of the expression of interest is 4 April 2019.