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Strong response to Blue Bioeconomy Cofund joint call

By closing date, the BlueBio consortium received 83 project proposals.

Strong response to Blue Bioeconomy Cofund joint call

  • 22 March 2019

By closing date, the BlueBio consortium received 83 project proposals.

Strong response to Blue Bioeconomy Cofund joint call

The table below gives an overview of the priority areas addressed in the project proposals.

  • Priority area 1: Exploring new bioresources, 41 proposals
  • Priority area 2: Exploring improvements in fisheries and aquaculture, 23 proposals
  • Priority area 3: Exploring synergies across sectors, 14 proposals
  • Priority area 4: Exploring Biotechnology and ICT, 5 proposals

Pre-proposals will be selected at the beginning of June and will be invited for full proposal submission afterwards. The deadline for full proposal submission is September 17th, 2019.


The ERA-NET COFUND on the Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources (BlueBio) is designed to support public-public partnerships between Member States and associated countries for the implementation and coordination of networking activities. BlueBio launches calls for proposals in accordance with the JPI Oceans Operational Plan and tackles common priorities as described by the ERA-NET.

For detailed information on background, scope, and more, please visit the BlueBio COFUND website,

For news about BlueBio, please subscribe to the newsletter here.