Cofund actions | JPI OCEANS

Cofund actions

The ERA-NET Cofund actions under Horizon 2020 is the main instrument for jointly funding trans-national research and/or innovation projects with a financial contribution by the European Commission.

Horizon 2020 will support the achievement and functioning of the European Research Area (ERA), as set out in the Communication on a Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth (2012). As a key part of this approach, the aim is to support a number of Public-Public Partnerships under Horizon 2020 in the form of Art. 185 initiatives and ERA-NETs while paying particular attention to Joint Programming Initiatives (ERA-LEARN 2020).

Implementation of COFUND Actions deal with trans-national calls and virtual common pots. Proposals have to be designed taking into account also the availability of funds for the activities developed by partners from different countries. This requires a sort of risk-assessment for accessing the national funds and therefore in selecting partners and activities, independently from their quality and necessity to be involved (ERA-NET Cofund guide to consortia)

Another instrument for cofunding of regional, national and international programmes that finance fellowships involving mobility to or from another country is also available in Horizon 2020: the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. Funding opportunities can be found on the website of the European Commision.

Real-life examples

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